Monday, April 27, 2009


It is nearing the end of the term and there's plenty to get done. One of the reasons I have this is so I will actually have a place where I am publicly saying what I need to do. It's going to help me stay on track, at least that's what I think in my head.

+ work
+ finalize paper for max, and print.
+ get my prints from the rack.
+ buy a 50 pack of ilford glossy fiber paper, 11x14in.

+ class, hand in paper.
+ start re-printing project for max.
+ richard renaldi lecture at 3.
+ mexican resturant for erics birthday.

Other than that, Pete, and possibly Jake are visiting in a few weeks. They'll be here for my moms birthday. They'll help me move back home. Kohlton is building a website. Will post about that in the future.

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